Toomihkli Tourist Farm lies in the southern part of Lääne-Virumaa County, near Emumägi – the highest hill in Northern Estonia.


At Toomihkli we offer:

· Accommodation in rooms for 1, 2 or 5 people

· Parking space for camper vans with access to water and electricity

· Camping place for putting up tents

· Free WIFI access


You can take a walk on Emumäe nature trail and climb to the watching tower on top of Emumäe hill.


Only 15 km from Toomihkli is Endla Nature Reserve – an internationally important wetland (Ramsar) site – with its hiking trails and lookout towers.


Toomihkli lies at EuroVelo route 4.



For information & reservation, call:


+372 533 41356 or e-mail